Strengthening Your Skillset (Section 4)

Course: Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST) - Strengthening Your Skillset


Once the basic and more advanced VST techniques have been learned in the first few days of class, we will work further toward strengthening the skillset of the practitioner. We will introduce the gong and its applications during the VST technique. We will also provide instruction for sound baths and live performance incorporating other instruments such as gongs, chimes, and crystal bowls as well as further techniques that can be added to the VST.


Continued objectives:

-Perform an overview of the entire course including the introduction to working with the gongs .

-Give the practitioner hands-on training performing sound baths and leading group meditations with an introduction to additional instruments.

-Discuss mindfulness, hydration, and cymatics

-Provide final practical demonstrations covering the techniques from the basic to advanced techniques including basic gong work

-Upon completion of the six day course and ten pro bono sessions, the student is certified by the VSA, and will receive a practitioner certificate enabling them to practice the VST method.